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Clancy's Kitchen
Songs from the Homestead
The Clancy family perform the songs stories and tunes of The Clancy Brothers household, County Tipperary, Ireland

"The first time I actually saw my father perform with The Clancy Brothers was at The Bob Dylan Tribute Concert at Madison Square Gardens, NY in October 1992. There were so many incredible acts that night and the atmosphere was electric. My sister Aoife and I wondered what kind of reception they'd get as the crowd was very vocal. They stepped out on stage and sure enough the audience went wild. We were amazed and obviously very proud. I think that was the first time we realised their popularity in the States.
Growing up in The Clancy Brother household, singing, music and storytelling were an every day event not just reserved for the stage. Everyone visiting was welcomed and encouraged to share a story or song from wherever they came from in the world. The spoken word was just as important as the music and their passion in reciting prose and poetry was infectious. It was a truly amazing experience and one we'd like to share with audiences - this unique insight into Clancy's Kitchen." Rosin Clancy.

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